September 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - All the way to the top ...

Ring that bell, sweetie

Wordless Wednesday


Kelli said...

YOU GO GIRL! I understand your older cousins didn't quite make it to the bell - you schooled em!

jayaycee said...

That was such a fun day! And even though it was January, look at that gorgeous blue sky.

Karen said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Good for you!!!

jayaycee said...

Yeah, except it wasn't me. It was my gorgeous, young, athletic granddaughter. You'd never get me up there! :-)

Kelli said...

Remember when you climbed those giant boulders in Zion National Park, posed for a picture, and a lizard ran between your feet? Your scream is probably still echoing off the canyon walls!

jayaycee said...

Apparently, that's one memory I've blocked out .. it's probably a good thing!