We are now on the downhill slide of home improvement ... thank God. The tile is being laid in our home office and master bedroom this week. We cozied up in the guest room last night -- cozy being the operative word. It's amazing how small a full-size bed feels in comparison to a king. And the puppies would not be denied. They are used to sleeping up on the bed with us and proceeded to carry on until we picked them up. Is this where the term dog pile came from?
Here are a couple of shots of rooms with completed tile. The grout still needs to be sealed and then a good cleaning and everything can go back where it belongs.
dining room |
family room |
We took a field trip to Ikea Sunday. Hubby and I had never been to the store they opened in Tempe a few years ago. Youngest daughter had shopped there previously and went along. What a veritable wonderland of shopping. First of all, it's huge -- 2 stories of everything from complete room layouts of furniture and appliances to holiday decorations to linens and rugs and silk plants and dishes. There is a restaurant and a children's play area and a little cafe where you can buy amazing cinnamon rolls for $1.00. It's a good thing we don't live anywhere near this store because I would put my car on auto-pilot for the cinnamon rolls alone.
In addition to the cinnamon rolls, we bought a very nice hanging rack to go behind the door in the laundry room for my aprons. I love aprons and I use them constantly. The granddaughter also has a number of kid-size aprons. We bought very cute matching Christmas aprons a few years ago. Got home from Ikea and, while we were still high from our sugar buzz, hubby put the rack up.
apron rack |
I am throwing a baby shower for a friend in December. This is her first baby -- they're having a boy. They live in a mountain town a few hours outside of Phoenix and love the outdoor life, especially fishing. I decided to hand-make her invitations scrapbook-style and found the cutest little stick-on bears to embellish with. I scanned all the bears and printed the one that looks like a little pregnant mama on the front of the envelopes. I think they turned out really cute and I can't wait for the shower.
baby shower invitation |
It's just beautiful - the tile, the paint - so warm with the sunlight coming in. Great job, you guys (and you still like each other after all that!) Your marriage is bullet-proof now! Ruth Graham once said of her marriage to Billy, "We've never considered divorce.....murder, yes, divorce, never!" : )
We live about 1/4 mile from our Ikea. You will find their stuff all over my house...and the cinnamon rolls on my hips. Try "Anna's" ginger cookies dipped in tea or as scoops for cool whip (of course, I'll use ANYTHING as a scoop for cool whip!).
i got mine in the mail yesterday! i love it so much! you are just so crafty! can't wait to see you next month! oh... and, thank you, thank you, thank you!! love you!
I am very excited for the holidays this year -- this will be the first year since 2000 that I haven't worked retail during the holidays. Plus, the house is fresh and new feeling and I am actually excited to decorate. That's a great quote by Ruth Graham! Haaa!
If I lived that close to Ikea, I would be in a lot of trouble -- not only for the calories, but the spending would be way too easy! Fortunately, it's a long drive for us and I have to plan ahead.
Our favorite thing to dip in cool whip is fresh strawberries. I read once that Barbra Streisand serves angel food cake with cool whip at her parties.
I love you, too, sweetie! I am so looking forward to your shower and seeing you all preggers. ;-)
Your home is looking so nice. Good idea to get your husband to put up the rack up as soon as you got home. You know how that kind of thing can be put off! And what cute, CUTE, invitations! Simply adorable!
We are getting there. I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. And not a minute too soon. The in-laws will be here in just over a week.
I thought the invites turned out very cute. Thanks so much!
Those are awesome. I'm sure your friend appreciates not only how adorable they are but also the handmade touch.
I think she does. Sometimes I forget how much fun it is to sit down and glue things together! ;-)
Love the invites -- very original.
The house will be so much cozier with those warm colors. Great choices! I still am in thrall over your shutters.
It was fun making the invitations. I'm going to have to start making my own greeting cards like you do! I just love them!!!
You know, sometimes I miss having actual curtains, but the plantation shutters really are great. They keep the rooms much darker than you would think, which is nice.
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