The thing is, this is the same yarn I used for the cardi I recently finished for myself. It is black with flecks of color in it. It is gorgeous yarn, but after a while, I feel like I'm seeing spots. I mean, I am seeing flecks, but there are spots floating out there, too. It's probably just the black background.
I swear the next project I start will be a lighter color. Actually, it is, because the granddaughter has ordered a lacey poncho in a medium blue and white twisted yarn that I will begin soon. I usually have several projects on the needles at once because I get tired of working on the same thing for too long and switching back and forth keeps the boredom at bay.
The shrug pattern I've chosen for the birthday shrug is one I found on the Caron International website (see photo below). It's so cute, the model apparently lost her head!
Although I find Marie Antoinette and the whole French Revolution fascinating, I don't intend to follow in her footsteps to the guillotine....hope the headless model isn't a portent of things to come for those who wear that particular shrug! I'm even more excited than I was before now that I've seen the pattern. You might want to start another one just like it immediately after finishing the first because I know I'm going to wear it out quickly!
- Baby Sister
Yeah, I think it would look better on you with your head attached. Another one can be arranged!
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